Истражувачка дејност
1. Mirjana Menkovska, Vesna Levkov, Djorgovska Natasha, Marija Sharic, Vlado Samardjioski, Irina Ushlinovska: Application of rapid technique for screening of mycotoxins in cereals, P.144-149 in:Proceedings of XIV International Feed Technology Symposium, FINS, 19-21 October, Novi Sad, 2010.
2. Djukic Nevena, Dodig D., Konstatinov Kosana, Menkovska Mirjana: Triticale response to different rate of nitrogen nutrition. Crop production (Növînytermelîs) suppl. 59, 537-540, 2010 ISSN 0546-8191.
3. Mirjana Menkovska: Regulations and organs in the field of food and feed safety in Republic of Macedonia, Maced. J. Sci., Vol.1. No.2, pp.355-360, 2011. http.//www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk.
4. Djukic Nevena, Boskovic Jelena, Surlan-Momirovic Gordana, Menkovska Mirjana, Milankovic Jadranka: Variability of plant height of winter barley frown under the different supply of nutrition.Növînytermelîs Suppl.60, 97-100, 2011.
5. Marija Šarić, T. Stojanović, Nada Hladni, Mirjana Menkovska, Milisav Ivanoski (2012). Changes of the safety and the technological quality caused by mold contamination. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, volume 2, issue 3:309-311.
6. Rebok K., Kostov V.,Rocha E, Jordanova M., (2010): Can Rodlet Cells Changes in Barbell (Barbus peloponnesius) From the River Bregalnica Be Used as Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination?, BALWOIS 2010.
7. Velkova-Jordanoska L., Kostov V., Kostoski G., 1 Stojanovski S. RAPD Analysis of Genetic Variations in Barbus peloponnesius (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from River Vardar, BALWOIS 2010.
8. Kostov, V., Ristovska, M., Rebok, K., Slavevska-Stamenković, V. (2010): Fish fauna of River Bregalnica (R. Macedonia). BALWOIS, Conference on water observation and information system for decision support, 2010. Ohrid. Proceeding available online http://www.balwois or on the CD publicized by Ministry of Education and Sciences from Republic of Macedonia, pp 1-8.
9. Slavevska Stamenkovic V., Paunovic M., Atanackovic A., Smiljkov S., Kostov V., Mitic Kopanja D., (2010), Oligochaeta of river Bregalnica from the source region to the dam Kalimanci, BALWOIS 2010 дали треба со големо
10. Ristovska, M., Kostov, V., Prelic, D., Slavevska-Stamenković, V., and Arsovska J., (2011): Fish Community Structure and Water Quality Assessment of Babuna River: Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, Vol. 4.
11. Slavevska-Stamenković Valentina, Paunović Momir, Miljanović Branko, Kostov Vasil,Ristovska Milica and Miteva Donka (2011): Water Quality Assessment Based on the Macroinvertebrate Fauna – the Pcinja River Case Study, Water Research and Management Vol 1. No 2., pp 63-69.
12. Kostov, V., Ristovska, M., Prelić, D. and Slavevska-Stamenković, V. (2011): Assessement of the Ecological Status of the Crna River Based on the Fish Fauna-Contribution of the Establishment of the Monitoring System of Rivers in R. Macedonia. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 1 (1): 261–270.
13. Nastova,R.. Nikolova,N.: Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus L. 1758) – unwelcome inhabitant of ichthyofauna in the reservoir Strezevo in R. Macedonia. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, , 2011. Vol.27 (4), p.1531-1535.
14. Nastova,R., Nikolova,N, Kostov,V.: Fish as a health food – ecotoxicological viewpoint. I Medjunarodni simpozijum, XVII Naucno savjetovanje agronoma republike Srpske, 19-22 mart 2012. Trebinje, Bosna i Hercegovina, Book of abstract, pp. 69.
15. Rodne Nastova, Vasil Kostov, Nedeljka Nikolova (2012). Are Macedonian Freshwater Ambient Criteria for Trace Metals Protective for Human Health? Proceeding no. 881, BALWOIS 2012, 28 May – 2 June, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.
16. Pacinovski N., Eftimova Elena, Dimov G., Kozarovski N. (2010). Corelation coeficients between udder dimensions and separate lactation characteristics in three populations of sheep in R. Macedonia. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 13(1):148-167, Troyan, Bulgaria.
17. Pacinovski N. (2010). Influence of some factors on the udder measurements in Awassi sheep and its crossbreeds with Domestic population sheep in Macedonia. Krmiva, Vol. 52, No. 2, p. 85-93. Zagreb, Croatia.
18. Pacinovski N., Eftimova Elena, Cilev G. (2010). Influence of certain factors on the annual milk production of the crossbreeds between Awassi and Domestic population of sheep. Krmiva, Vol. 52, No. 2, p. 95-102. Zagreb, Croatia.
19. Pacinovski, N., Eftimova Elena (2010). Barn for rearing of goats. My Ground, Journal for agriculture and rural development, No. 62/63, p. 28-29, Skopje, R. Macedonia.
20. Milevska Elena, Stojanovski M., Kozarovski N., Kitanovski D., Pacinovski N.(2010). Influence of the breed on the gain and slaughter quality of the kids of the Domestic balkan goat and its crossbreeds with Alpine breed. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 13(1):137-147, Troyan, Bulgaria.
21. Cilev G., Gacovski Z., Presilski S., Pacinovski N.(2010). Energy value of meadow hay from different grassland regions of Republic of Macedonia. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol. 26 , (spec. issue), Book 2, p 483–490. Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia.
22. Cilev G., Zivkovic B., Pacinovski N.(2010). Examining the efficiency of the semusubstitution of the maize with a by-products obtained by manufacturing vegetables and fruits in mixtures for weaned piglets. 17th International Conference “Krmiva 2010”, June 7-9, Book of Abstracts, p. 37. Opatija, Croatia.
23. Jordanovski N., Cilev G., Stefanovski S., Mihajlovic I., Pacinovski N.(2010). Effect of season feeding at fattening pigs to producing results. 17th International Conference “Krmiva 2010”, June 7-9, Book of Abstracts, p. 39. Opatija, Croatia.
24. Pacinovski N., Eftimova E., Gorgovska N., Dubrova-Mateva N., Naletoski Z., Palasevska A. (2011). Production results of early weaned lambs from Domestic merinized sheep in Macedonia. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 14(1):76-89, Troyan, Bulgaria.
25. Pacinovski N., Eftimova Elena, Dimov G. (2011). A few aspects of the maximum test day yield in the dairy population of sheep in Macedonia. 18th International Conference “Krmiva 2011”, June 8-10, Book of Abstracts, p. 75. Opatija, Croatia.
26. Pacinovski N. (2011). Influence of certain factors on the annual milk production of the Awassi breed. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 27-34.
27. Petrovic P. M., Sretenovic Ljiljana, Muslic R. Dragana, Pacinovski N., Maksimovic Nevena. (2011). The effect of crossbreeding systems on lamb meat production. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 57-60.
28. Ivanova Tanja, Pacinovski N., Raicheva Emilija, Abadjieva Desislava. (2011). Mineral content of milk from dairy sheep breeds. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 67-71.
29. Ivanova Tanja, Raicheva Emilija, Pacinovski N. (2011). Yield of cheese and sheep milk composition from synthetic population of Bulgarian dairy and East-Friesian breed. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol. 27 (3), Book 2, pp. 1105 – 1111
30. Pacinovski, N., Kozarovski, N., Palasevski, B., Eftimova Elena, Mateva Natasa, Cilev, G., Stojkovic, J., Adamov, N, (2012): Results of several factors influence on daily milk production in Awassi breed in Macedonia., V International Symposium of Livestock Production, 5-7 September, Skopje. Book of Abstracts, pp. 55, Macedonia
31. Kratovalieva Suzana, Pacinovski N., Mihovsky Ts. (2012). Grazing capacity of grasslands in west part of Macedonia. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 15(3):546-562. Troyan, Bulgaria.
32. Kratovalieva Suzana, Mihovsky Ts., Pacinovski N. (2012). Nutritive value of grasslands in East Macedonia. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 15(3):576-588. Troyan, Bulgaria.
33. Stojkovic, J., Ilic, Z., Cilev, G., Jasovic, B., Pacinovski, N. (2012). The effect of different protein sources in the diet on goat production performance during fattening. V International Symposium of Livestock Production, 5-7 September, Skopje. Book of Abstracts, pp. 69. Macedonia.
34. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev (2010): Enriching the hen eggs with selenium (Se). Proceedings, Agrosym 2010, pp. 493-498
35. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev (2010): Thick albumen height of eggs from two hybrids molted hens. Proceedings, Agrosym 2010, pp. 499-503.
36. Kiril Filev, Natasha Gjorgovska, Biljana Chuleva (2010): Designing table eggs with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and selenium. Book of abstracts, XXII International Poultry Symposium PB WPSA “Science for poultry practice – poultry practice for science”, pp.230.
37. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev (2010): Enriching table eggs with Iodine (I). Lucrari Stiintifice Seria Zootehnie Cotatie CNCSIS B+, 53 (15), pp.722-725.
38. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev (2011): Multi-enriched eggs with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and selenium. Archiva Zootechnica, Vol. 14 (2), pp. 28-35.
39. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev (2011): Weight changes of some vital organs at the old laying hens during the rejuvination and the peak of the second laying cycle. Proceedings “Agrosym Jahorina 2011” pp.262-268.
40. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev, Vesna Levkov (2011): Еxternal and internal quality of eggs produced from aged hens. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Seria Zootehnie, Vol. 56, pp. 342-345.
41. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev, Biljana Chuleva (2011): Enriched eggs with vitamin E and selenium. Lucrari Sciintifice, seria Zootehie, Vol. 55, pp.319-323.
42. Natasha Gjorgovska, Kiril Filev, Vesna Levkov, Tosho Kostadinov, Eljmi Jusufi (2012): Egg production during the artificial molting and a new laying cycle of aged hens. Archiva Zootechnika, 15 (1): 53-60.
43. Gjorgovska Natasha, Filev Kiril, Levkov Vesna, Kostadinov Tosho (2012): The effect of different levels of selenium in feed on egg production, egg quality and selenium content in yolk. Lucrări Ştiinţifice, Seria Zootehnie, 57:270-274.
44. Natasha Gjorgovska, T. Kostadinov, Nedeljka Nikolova (2012). Some aspects of the agribusiness in the Republic of Macedonia. XVII Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa medzunarodnim ucescem, 6 – 7 аpril, Čačak, Serbia Published in: Zbornik Radova Vol. 17 (19), pp. 526 – 530.
45. Gjorgovska Natasha, Filev Kiril, Levkov Vesna, Jusufi Eljmi, Nikolova Nedeljka, Kostadinov Tosho (2012). Eggshell quality of aged hens during the rejuvenation. Lucrari Stiintifice – Seria Zootehnie, vol. 58, p. 277 – 289.
46. Nedeljka Nikolova, Wahner M., 2010. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von “BioAktiv” auf die Gesundheit und Legeleistung von Hennen, REKASAN GmbH KaulsdorfREKASAN – Journal 17. Jahrgang. Heft 33/34, 2010, p. 49-55. www.als-werbung.de naslovite na TRUDOVITE KE ODAT VO ITALIK ILI NORMALNO?
47. Nedeljka Nikolova, Milosevic N., Pavlovski Zlatica, Peric Lidija, Wahner M. 2010. Einfluss von Herkunft, Alter und Futterung auf die Mortalitat bei Broiler-Kuken, REKASAN GmbH KaulsdorfREKASAN – Journal 17. Jahrgang. Heft 33/34, 2010, p. 139-141. www.als-werbung.de
48. Nedeljka Nikolova, Tosho Kostadinov, 2010. The impact of family businesses upon the development of rural areas in the Republic of Macedonia, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, 26-27 Mart, Čačak, Zbornik radova, Vol.15. (17), p. 721-725. http://www.afc.kg.ac.rs
49. Snežana Bogosavljević-Bošković, Tatjana Savković, V. Dosković, S. Rakonjac, Nedeljka Nikolova, 2010. Kategorije mesa u obrađenim trupovima tovnih pilića u zavisnosti od dužine tova i sistema gajenja, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, 26-27 Mart, Čačak, Srbija: Zbornik radova, Vol.15. (17), p. 597-602. http://www.afc.kg.ac.rs
50. Nedeljka Nikolova, Tosho Kostadinov, 2010. Yield of carcass parts, meat, skin and bone of two genotypes of broilers in different age, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, 26-27 Mart, Čačak, Srbija: Zbornik radova, Vol.15. (17), p. 559-566. http://www.afc.kg.ac.rs
51. Nedeljka Nikolova, V. Kostov, T. Kostadinov, 2010. Genotype x diet interactions on meat mass of main carcass parts in broiler chickens, Krmiva 2010, 17th, Crotia, Krmiva 52 (2010), Zagreb, 3; 127-133 http://hrcak.srce.hr.
52. Nedeljka Nikolova, T. Kostadinov, V. Kostov, 2010. Entrepreneurial innovation as a factor for development of SMEs from the subsector of poultry raising in the Republic of Macedonia, 3rd International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, 27-29.05.2010, Novi Sad, Serbia Proceedings of ICEIRD 2010, p. 564-569.www.iceird.org
53. Nedeljka Nikolova, 2010. Effect of genotype, sex and diet on structure of breasts at broilers of different age, XIIIth European Poultry Conference, 23-27. August, Tours, France, Abstract number 161- p.749. www.epc.2010.org
54. A. Kuzelov, N. Nikolova, K. Vasilev, 2010. Exploring possibilities for quality improvement of meat raw materials from cattle ruminant animals by enzymatic treatment. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia Vol. 26 (5-6), p. 319-327. www.istocar.bg.ac.yu
55. Vidica Stanacev, Stanimit Kovcin, Sasa Dragin, Nikola Puvaca, Vladislav Stanacev, Nedeljka Nikolova and Sava Zaric, 2011. Effect of the level of protein and energy on growth dynamics, feed conversion and quality of stern of growing breeding gilts. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(8), pp. 1958-1961. www.academicjournals.org
56. N. Nikolova, D. Kocevski, A. Kuzelov, 2011. Influence of genotype on eggshell strength and the hatchability of laying parent stock flock. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, , Serbia.Vol. 27 (4), p. 1659-1666. www.istocar.bg.ac.yu
57. D. Kocevski, N. Nikolova, A. Kuzelov, 2011. The influence of strain and age on some egg quality parameters og commercial laying hens. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry,.Vol. 27 (4), p. 1649-1658. www.istocar.bg.ac.yu
58. Nedeljka Nikolova, Snežana Bogosavljević-Bošković, 2011. Carcass quality of broiler chicken of two hybrid lines slaughtered in different ages. Macedonian Journal of Animal science, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 95-100. www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk
59. Pavlovski Zlatica, Škrbić Zdenka, Lukić M., Nikolova Nedeljka, Petričević V., 2011. Naked neck autochthonous breed of chicken in Serbia. Macedonian Journal of Animal science, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 101-105. www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk
60. Milošević N., Stanaćev V., Nikolova Nedeljka, Pavlovski Zlatica, 2011. Corn meal in broiler chicken nutrition. Macedonian Journal of Animal science, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 107-111.www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk
61. Perić Lidija, Sartowska Kasia, Milošević N., Đukić-Stojćić Mirjana, Bjedov S., Nikolova Nedeljka, 2011. The effect of enzymes on the economics of poultry meat and egg production. Macedonian Journal of Animal science, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 113-117.www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk
62. Mitrović S., Djermanović V., Nikolova Nedeljka, 2011. Phenotype correlations between age and importantly productions and reproductive capabilities of heavy parental flock Ross 308 hybrid.Macedonian Journal of Animal science, Vol. 1. No. 2, pp. 327-334.www.mjas.ukim.edu.mk
63. Nikolova Nedeljka, Kostadinov Tosho, Rodne Nastova (2012). The effect of hens age and weight classes on the internal composition of eggs. International scientific conference “Modern zootechny – factor of sustainable development”,. Lucrari Stiintifice – Seria Zootehnie, vol. 57, p. 289 – 292.
64. Nikolova Nedeljka, Kostadinov Tosho, Gjorgovska Natasha (2012). Influence of season on chemical composition of albumen, yolk and eggshell from layer eggs. International scientific conference “Modern zootechny – factor of sustainable development”, Lucrari Stiintifice – Seria Zootehnie, vol. 58, p. 281 – 284.
65. Meri Petreska, M.Zekiri, V.Dimitriev, E.Jusufi (2011): Appliance of pure cultures of microorganisms for decontamination of soil polluted with herbicides.Ist International Conference of Agriculture food and Environment. Book of Abstr.p.142, Korҫë,Albania.
66. Elmi Jusufi & Mentor Zekiri (2011): Absorption degree of potassium in alfalfa (Banat ZMSII) growing in natural condition and vegetative pots with different content of potassium and magnesium.IstInternational Conference of Agriculture food and Environment.Book of Abstr.p.94. Korҫë, Albania.
67. Elmi Jusufi, Mentor Zekiri, Natasha Gjorgovska, Vesna Levkov: (2011). Content of cadmium (Cd) ,chromium(Cr) and lead (Pb) in the agricultural land in the dry mass alfalfa from various localities.Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol 1.No.2.pp.336-338.
68. Elmi Jusufi, Mentor Zekiri (2012): Influence Of Some Mineral Matters Of Soil And Growth Phase On Calcium Content In Dry Matter In Alfalfa (BANAT ZMS II). Intern. conference on Towards future sustainable development”.University of Shkodra,Albania. Proceedings p 642-645.
69. Elmi Jusufi, Mentor Zekiri, Natasha Gjorgovska, Vesna Levkov (2012): Contents of some macrobiogen elements in soil and their uptake at alfalfa. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp:37-40.
70. Elmi Jusufi, Mentor Zekiri (2012): Content of the adopted amounts of iron and manganese in dry mass of alfalfa (BANAT ZMS II) cultivated in different localities in R. Macedonia. Intern. conference on Towards future sustainable development”.University of Shkodra,Albania. Proceedings p. 487-490
71. Meri Petreska , Elmi Jusufi, Mentor Zeqiri, Ilmije Vllasaku (2012): Draw of pure culture microorganisms in the sustainable development of agroecosistem. Intern. conference on Towards future sustainable development”. University of Shkodra, Proceedings p. 191-195
72. Mentor Zeqiri, Meri Petreska, Elmi Jusufi, Ilmije Vllasaku (2012): Microbiological composition of water in growing fish in the complex „TAJMISTE” Intern. conference on Towards future sustainable development”. University of Shkodra,Albania. Proceedings p.186-190
73. N. Dubrova Mateva, S. Srbinovska (2010). Technological and chemical properties of traditional “Bieno” cheese in Macedonia. Proceedings book. 1st International symposium on “Traditional foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, Tekirdag, Turkey.
74. N. Mateva, D. Mihajlov, E.Eftimova, Z. Naletoski, N. Pacinovski (2011). Dynamics of ripening of cheese, type Chedar. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 1, 316-319.
75. Mateva Natasa, Srbinovska Sonja, Pacinovski N., Eftimova Elena, Palasevski B. (2011): Production of white brine cheese by ultrafiltration. V International Symposium of Livestock Production, 5-7 September, Skopje. Book of Abstracts, p. 111.Macedonia
76. Levkov V., Gjorgovska N., Kostadinov T. (2012). Some microbiological and chemical characteristics of traditional cheese (Bieno sirenje). XVII International Symposium of Biotechnology, University of Kraguevac, Proceedings Vol 17 (19), 368-372.
77. Levkov V., Kostadinov T. (2012). Tourism as an opportunity field for developement of the village in the Republic of Macedonia. XVII International Symposium of Biotechnology, University of Kraguevac, Proceedings Vol 17 (19), 531-535.
78. Levkov V., Kakurinov V., (2011). Microbiological properties of artisanal cheese (Bieno Sirenje). Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Vol. 1, 325-329
79. Kostadinov T., Nikolova N., Levkov V. (2012). Education as a factor for development of the rural entrepreneurship in the Republic of Macedonia. XVII International Symposium of Biotechnology, University of Kraguevac, Proceedings Vol 17 (19), 511-515
80. Kostadinov T., Gjorgovska N., Levkov V. (2012). Competitivness of SMEs from rural areas in the Republic of Macedonia. XVII International Symposium of Biotechnology, University of Kraguevac, Proceedings Vol 17 (19), 516-520.
81. Tosho Kostadinov, Nedeljka Nikolova, (2010) “The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and its implication upon the Republic of Macedonia”, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa medjunarodnim ucescem, Agronomski fakultet u Cacku, Zbornik radova, Vol.15. (17), p. 715-720.
82. Tosho Kostadinov, Nedeljka Nikolova, (2010) “The impact of production factors upon the growth of SMEs from the agricomplex in the Republic of Macedonia”, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa medjunarodnim ucescem, Agronomski fakultet u Cacku, Zbornik radova, Vol.15. (17), p. 727-730.
83. Tosho Kostadinov, Natasha Gjorgovska, Nedeljka Nikolova, 2010. Particularities of the agricultural products market in the Republic of Macedonia, Anniversary scientific-practical conference with international participation, 7-8. October, Varna, Bulgaria, Proceedings p. 136-143, www.ue-varna.bg
84. Tosho Kostadinov, Nedeljka Nikolova, Natasha Gjorgovska, 2010. Possibilities for improvement of the foreign trade of the Republic of Macedonia with the group of products of animal origin,Anniversary scientific-practical conference with international participation, 7-8. October, Varna, Bulgaria, (:Proceeding p. 232-239, www.ue-varna.bg.
85. Eftimova Elena, Pacinovski N., Domazetova-Lambevska Vesela, Mateva Natasha., Naletoski Z.. (2011). Comparative research on meat price of lamb of Awassi crossbreeds and Domestic population sheep. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, Vol. 14(2):244-255, Troyan, Bulgaria.
86. Eftimova Elena, Mateva Natasha, Lambevska-Domazetova Vesela, Pacinovski N., (2011). Value chain analysis: Sheep milk for processing in the Gostivar region, Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design., pp. 305 – 308.
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